Monday, July 27, 2009

Estamos Aqui! (we are here!!)

And we are off! Priase God for getting all us of here safe and sound in Tepa. We arrived at Hillcountry at 4 am this morning, a bit tired, but very eager to see how God´s going to use us on this trip. After finally getting through all of the airport precautions, we flew off to Houston at 6:50. There were no delays or obstacles during security or anything... everything just went very smoothly and we are so thankful.
After arriving in Houston, we rushed to catch our next flight that would take us to Guadalajara. I think all of us would agree that we were taken a bit by surpise when we saw the lush beauty of the mountains below us. We got to catch up on our sleep, which was a must needed necesity before we arrived!
We met Ramon, our STEM leader, at the airport. We all got on a bus and headed off to Tepa. It was a fourty five minute trip from the airpot to the church, where we are staying, in tepa. We have had a relaxing day, getting settled in and meeting new friends!
Please continue to pray for safetly and health. Ramon came down with a severe food poisoning, and although he is feeling much better, please keep him in your prayers.
We will continue to keep updated throughout the week! Thanks again for all your prayers and support.

Taylor Stearns and Catie Kolence

p.s mommy i love you ;)


  1. I love you two, babies! I have thought about and prayed much for your safety and health today. Thanks for the post to let us know you arrived safe and sound. Will continue to pray for you tomorrow. Kisses to all! ~ Love Mommy

  2. Thank you, Lord for a safe trip! So thankful that you guys are there and can't wait to hear how God works through you this week! We will continue to pray for you. (...and thank you, Taylor! I love you, too!!)

  3. We are all praying for you. We know you all will do a wonderful job and have a great time spreading the Lord's word!

  4. We are praying for you guys, 105 here today, I hope it is cooler where you are. We love you all!

  5. We're glad you had a smooth trip and are praying for Ramon to recover completely. Thanks for the great update, Taylor and Catie! Hope we can hear from all of the students on the trip. Praying for you all.

  6. Hope you are all are doing well
    It's good to be able to follow your activities
    Miss ya David S.
