Friday, July 31, 2009

Report on Thursday

Hello All,

It´s Friday, 8-1-09 and all is well in Tepatitlan. Yesterday was a long day for us, as we headed out at 8:00am and got back around midnight. We traveled for about 90 minutes to a place called Yajualica, where we walked the city streets meeting people, passing out tracts, and inviting them to our gathering at Plaza Jardin. We teamed with the people at the only Christian church in this city of about 50,000 people. Beautiful city and lovely people. At the plaza we played with the kids, engaged with the adults, did the puppet show and drama, and did crafts with the kids. They loved it. I believe 3 or 4 people prayed to receive Christ between our street conversations and our connections at the plaza. The team was really fired up on our trip back last night. Many great conversations were had, many seeds were planted, some seeds were watered, and I think we put on a very good face for Jesus Christ to the people there. Not sure what the plans are for today, but we got to sleep in a bit this morning. That´s praise worthy too!

This team is awesome. All are getting along very well with each other. As for health we have had a few upset stomachs, but nothing incapacitating. Please keep praying for protection, for good rest, and for good health. We love you and miss you.



  1. Hi to all,
    Praying that everybody is feeling Ok.
    Praying that God goes before you.
    Love and Hugs to David S.

    Tricia S.

  2. Greetings from home...
    It is most awesome to receive the updates from y'all! Of course, we remain vigil in our prayer for the group and know that God is moving in absolutely amazing ways! We can't wait for your return to hear everything! Thanks for updating us and know that we are standing in the gap for all of you and the hearts of those you will meet.
    Love from the Florence family
    (Hi Kristen....we miss you and hope you're feeling good!)

  3. Gracias para informarnos¡
    T. Melle

  4. How come u get 2 August 1's? :-)
    T Melle

  5. So glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm praying for all those upset tummies! We're also praying that God will continue to use you in significant ways in the lives of the Mexican people. We love you and can't wait to see you Wednesday. No tacos on the menue!

    Love you guys)
    PS. Catie and Amy give each other a hug from mom and dad we miss you guys. Very quiet around the house!

  6. Thanks for the update, Ted. We're excited that you're all enjoying spreading the good news! Praying for calm tummies and continued health, energy, and safety for you all. How is everyone's Espanol coming along? All is well here, especially since we've been refreshed by rain. Y'all give each other hugs on behalf of all your families who love and miss you. Extra hugs and kisses to Sarah!
