Saturday, August 1, 2009

Catch up note.

Hi Folks. Sorry for the lapse in time between blogs. I believe our last blog was a few days ago on 7-30-09, and I was thinking the date was 7-31-09. So, I got our days messed up. Sorry about that.

Today is 8-1-09 and here´s what has happened over the last two days:

Yesterday, we traveled about 30 minutes to a town called Capilla Milpiez (wrong spelling I´m sure). We had lunch with the local church there and then walked the streets passing out tracts and visiting with the local people. That night, we held our event in the plaza. We performed the puppet presentation, the drama, we did crafts, played games, and shared the Gospel with the towns people. A great night. We had one person give their life to Christ. Interesting story: While we were walking the streets, the local Priest came over the town loud speaker and said "avoid the foreigners and stay away from the plaza. They´re here to kidnap our children¨. Wow, talk about spiritual warfare! We had a decent turn out anyway. Long Day.

Today, we visited the market in Guadalajara and will leave in a few minutes to a social gathering at the ranch of one of the members of the church here in Tepatitlan. It´s a good day.

Again, all members of the team are well, with the exception of a couple of sore throats and a few upset stomachs. Overall, health is great. This team is fantastic the way they connect with the local people, love on them and work together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I´m privileged to be a part of this mission.

Please continue to pray for effective ministry, good health and safe travel. We miss you all and look forward to coming home on Wednesday.



  1. Thanks for the updates! Praying that the Lord goes before all of you in everything and that you all stay well and safe. Bless you all for being Jesus' hands and feet in a hurting country that desperately needs guidance and love. It takes a lot of courage to step out of your comfort zone...praise the Lord for you all! Keep up the fervor. We love you and miss you all!!

    Katy: Jake is home from East Austin and all the kids in his club only spoke Spanish! Tania was called to help translate for them...hope your learning the language :) We love you and miss you. Praying your throat and tummy feels OK.

  2. Great updates, praying for health and safety.
    We pray that God walks before and opens doors
    and hearts.
    Hey David, Dana is home from Go Austin
    and she hit the couch for six hours straight.
    Praying that your healthy.
