Sunday, August 2, 2009

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.

We just finished service and are enjoying a peaceful and relaxing afternoon. We have been so blessed to work along side this church and help them minister to thier community.
Tedd already filled yall in on our incredible opportunity to help out a family in the church last night, but I just wanted to give you more information about what happened yesterday.
Yesterday we spent the morning shopping in downtown guadalajara which was an incredible experience! That afternoon we were invited to a birthday party for Oscar (whom non of us knew). We went, and as the party continued, a cloud began to loom over our team, by the time we were on the bus ride home, I was in tears and others were questioning our purpose on this trip. We arrived back at the church and the leaders left to take the family shopping. As soon as they left, the whole team went at eachother. We began arguing and fighting over silly things. Satan finally got ahold of everyone on the team and we lost it. By Gods grace, a family who lives here (but are american) came up to the roof where we were. They had been wanting to worship with us all week but had not yet gotten the opportunity to do so. We were so exhausted, dear Brittney was in tears, and many of us were not at a place to worship God. But we did. We only thought we were going to sing a couple songs, but before we knew it, an hour and a half had gone by. We read scripture, prayed and begged God to show us his purpose and protect us from the spiritual warfare. I can only describe the teams attitude after as miraculous! We were completly different.
The title for the post today comes from Philippians 3. 13 and it says `Forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward what is ahead. I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward.´ With new attitudes and a renewed spirit our team will head out tomorrow and share the glory of Chirst. No matter the circumstances, no matter our level of exhaustion we press on toward the goal!
- Catie


  1. Praying for you all,
    Yes, attitude adjustments sounds like normal family problems.
    You have been with each other for almost week in a foreign land and circumstances are so differnt.
    Sounds like God sent you a family of angels to worship with you.
    Many prayers for you all
    Tricia Stimson

  2. Thanks, Catie for letting us know specifics on how to pray and encourage you all. Remember that (regardless how specific our plans) God's plans are so much bigger than our own that we'll never fully know all His purposes for this or any work He calls us to, but that each of your service and individual life change are important to Him. He will do mighty things in the lives of the people you touch this week. This trip is equipping you more each day to live more fully for Him for the rest of your lives, and the fruit we see both this week and in the future is indeed beautiful. You are definitely spreading seeds and watering the
    "jardin" where you are. They will know you are Christians by your love for one another. Enjoy each moment and continue to stimulate each other to love and good deeds. We are extremely proud of you all, praying for you continually, and looking forward to seeing you Wednesday. Hugs from Ms. R to all, especially our sweet Sarah. We love you! <3

  3. I'm overwhelmed with you honesty and transparency. God is AWESOME. Is there really anything else to say!

    Can't wait to see you Wednesday and hear all about how God has been at work!

    Love you;

  4. Hi Team Guadalajara,

    I am praying that you all have learned something about yourself and others that leads you to become more understanding and compassionate with one another. Remember....Ephesians 6:12-15...."For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything...stand firm with the belt of truth...breastplate of righteousness...and the gospel of peace..."

    Katy: I miss you and love you! We cannot wait to see you tomorrow!!

  5. So glad to hear how God is answering our prayers for everyone's safety and health, and that God is using you all in a mighty way. We look forward to your return home tomorrow. Michael, you will be coming to your new home. We are all moved in. Your and Andrew's room is all ready (well sort of). Sweet niece, Katherine, can't wait to see you. :)
