Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday Recap...

Hello once again from Tepatitlan! Here´s a report from yesterday, Monday 8-3-09 (I think).

We got up pretty early yesterday and loaded the bus for our trip to Nochistlan, where we teamed with the local church there. About a 2 hour drive there. Like our other days, we split up into groups of 4-6 and walked the streets of Nochistland, which is a city of about 40,000 people. We had spiritual discussions, passed our tracts, and invited the people of the city to the central plaza for games, a puppet show, crafts, and the drama. Many people showed up at the plaza and heard the Gospel through our presentations and a mini-sermon from the Pastor of the church here in Tepa. Lots of great conversations yesterday.

While a few members of the team have experienced some short-term problems with sore throats and stomach aches, yesterday was a different story for Taylor Stearns. She became pretty ill with a stomach and intestinal bug. She wasn´t able to walk the streets of Nochistlan with us, nor was she able to go to the plaza last night. We were able to locate some medications and get them in her. Fortunately, she got a good night´s rest and is doing much better today. Praise God! However, she´s still feeling physically fragile and so she´s staying at the church today instead of going with the team to the water park for our last day and day of fun. Deann and I are staying back with her to be sure she doesn´t relapse.

Our STEM Team Leader, Ramon Flores (who makes his home in Minnesota, of course) has been awesome. He has such a huge heart for our team and for the Mexican people in this area, as Tepatitlan is where his roots are. We will badly miss Ramon and the families of the church here in Tepa.

With the exception of the disagreement/incident that happened among the student team members on Saturday night (to which Catie referred in her Sunday blog), this team has gotten along wonderfully. I want each of you parents to know how much I have enjoyed getting to know your child and seeing them in action for the Lord. They are awesome kids. I believe this experience has been terrific for us all.

Tonight, after the team returns from the water park, we´ll get cleaned up, packed up and do our final debrief with Ramon. We will then retire early in prep for a dark & early start to our return-home day. I think everyone is really ready to be home. We miss you all. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray for safety today and for safe travel today and tomorrow, as well as no complications getting thru airport check-in, customs, etc.

In Him we give thanks and continue to covet your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. You have ALL ministered to us back at home in so many ways through this trip!! Thanks so much for the beautiful updates--I love the way God works!

    We especially want to thank all of you for taking such good care of Taylor. As a mom, it is so hard to know that my baby is sick and I can't be there to help her! I'm so thankful that God has put so many people right there beside her to love on her and take care of her! Thanks, Deanne, Ted and Ramon, (everyone!) for all you've done and for making sure she's okay today--it means so much to us!!

    I'm praying that you all have a wonderful last day/night, that you stay safe and can gather everything together easily and smoothly for the trip home tomorrow.

    Thanks again for your servant hearts and for letting us have a peak into this journey for our Lord.

    14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"[a] Romans 10:14-16

    We love you guys and are praying that God is glorified and that you are blessed by this experience!
