Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday Recap...

Hello once again from Tepatitlan! Here´s a report from yesterday, Monday 8-3-09 (I think).

We got up pretty early yesterday and loaded the bus for our trip to Nochistlan, where we teamed with the local church there. About a 2 hour drive there. Like our other days, we split up into groups of 4-6 and walked the streets of Nochistland, which is a city of about 40,000 people. We had spiritual discussions, passed our tracts, and invited the people of the city to the central plaza for games, a puppet show, crafts, and the drama. Many people showed up at the plaza and heard the Gospel through our presentations and a mini-sermon from the Pastor of the church here in Tepa. Lots of great conversations yesterday.

While a few members of the team have experienced some short-term problems with sore throats and stomach aches, yesterday was a different story for Taylor Stearns. She became pretty ill with a stomach and intestinal bug. She wasn´t able to walk the streets of Nochistlan with us, nor was she able to go to the plaza last night. We were able to locate some medications and get them in her. Fortunately, she got a good night´s rest and is doing much better today. Praise God! However, she´s still feeling physically fragile and so she´s staying at the church today instead of going with the team to the water park for our last day and day of fun. Deann and I are staying back with her to be sure she doesn´t relapse.

Our STEM Team Leader, Ramon Flores (who makes his home in Minnesota, of course) has been awesome. He has such a huge heart for our team and for the Mexican people in this area, as Tepatitlan is where his roots are. We will badly miss Ramon and the families of the church here in Tepa.

With the exception of the disagreement/incident that happened among the student team members on Saturday night (to which Catie referred in her Sunday blog), this team has gotten along wonderfully. I want each of you parents to know how much I have enjoyed getting to know your child and seeing them in action for the Lord. They are awesome kids. I believe this experience has been terrific for us all.

Tonight, after the team returns from the water park, we´ll get cleaned up, packed up and do our final debrief with Ramon. We will then retire early in prep for a dark & early start to our return-home day. I think everyone is really ready to be home. We miss you all. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray for safety today and for safe travel today and tomorrow, as well as no complications getting thru airport check-in, customs, etc.

In Him we give thanks and continue to covet your prayers.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.

We just finished service and are enjoying a peaceful and relaxing afternoon. We have been so blessed to work along side this church and help them minister to thier community.
Tedd already filled yall in on our incredible opportunity to help out a family in the church last night, but I just wanted to give you more information about what happened yesterday.
Yesterday we spent the morning shopping in downtown guadalajara which was an incredible experience! That afternoon we were invited to a birthday party for Oscar (whom non of us knew). We went, and as the party continued, a cloud began to loom over our team, by the time we were on the bus ride home, I was in tears and others were questioning our purpose on this trip. We arrived back at the church and the leaders left to take the family shopping. As soon as they left, the whole team went at eachother. We began arguing and fighting over silly things. Satan finally got ahold of everyone on the team and we lost it. By Gods grace, a family who lives here (but are american) came up to the roof where we were. They had been wanting to worship with us all week but had not yet gotten the opportunity to do so. We were so exhausted, dear Brittney was in tears, and many of us were not at a place to worship God. But we did. We only thought we were going to sing a couple songs, but before we knew it, an hour and a half had gone by. We read scripture, prayed and begged God to show us his purpose and protect us from the spiritual warfare. I can only describe the teams attitude after as miraculous! We were completly different.
The title for the post today comes from Philippians 3. 13 and it says `Forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward what is ahead. I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward.´ With new attitudes and a renewed spirit our team will head out tomorrow and share the glory of Chirst. No matter the circumstances, no matter our level of exhaustion we press on toward the goal!
- Catie

Sunday update

Good morning. It´s Sunday and the team will be worshiping with the folks here at Centro Cristo Es El Camino here in Tepatitlan. We have been treated very well here. Last night, for the 2nd night in a row, we enjoyed hamburguesas at a stand down the street. Not that there is anything wrong with the tacos here, but a change of pace was much appreciated. A pretty elaborate menu consisting of (1) hamburger, (2) double hamburger, or (3) hotdog. Amazingly, decision making time at this stand is pretty quick.

Last night was an emotional night for the team. Martha is one of the ladies who has been preparing our food and going with us on our trips. She and her husband, Carlos have 6 children living with them. The kids always accompany us on the trips as well and hang around the team a lot. This is the most delightful family and the kids are so well behaved. A few days ago we got a chance to go see their home. It was deplorable. No running water, flies everywhere, an outside make-shift bathroom, dirt floors and all 8 of them living in two rooms with 4 (so-called) beds, I think. Our hearts absolutely broke for them when we saw their living conditions. You would never know they lived like that by their attitudes, cleanliness and joy. They are all amazing servants to the Lord, our team and the church. Carlos, the father, has a testimony like no others. He´s a tattoo´d former Los Angeles gang member, who was abusive to his wife and kids. They were literally in fear whenever in his presence. When he gave his life to Christ 3 years ago everything changed. He became a gentle loving husband and father, completely quit drinking and using drugs, and took responsibility for himself, his family and his relationship with God. Anyway, after seeing their home (if you can call it that), we decided as a team to help them out. So, last night the leadership team accompanied Martha and Carlos to the local Wal Mart equivalent and filled three shopping carts (over flowing) with household supplies, toiletries, personal hygene products and clothing. We spent 2.5 hours going thru the store loading them up with what we would consider essentials for living. While they were resistent to allowing us to do this for them, they did concede when we explained they would be denying us the blessing if they did not let us do this for them. They were overjoyed and very appreciative. It was truly like Christmas day for them three times over.

During our devotional and debrief time last night we shared with the team what happened and how the family responded. Because of how much we all love this family, it was a very joyfully emotional time of sharing. We have so much and they have so little. Your kids will look forward to sharing these very special moments with you.

Your prayers for our health and safety are being answered. Again, just a few minor stomach aches and sore throats. Other than that, all is very well. Please keep praying. We miss you and love you and look forward to seeing all of you in three days.

In Him,


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Catch up note.

Hi Folks. Sorry for the lapse in time between blogs. I believe our last blog was a few days ago on 7-30-09, and I was thinking the date was 7-31-09. So, I got our days messed up. Sorry about that.

Today is 8-1-09 and here´s what has happened over the last two days:

Yesterday, we traveled about 30 minutes to a town called Capilla Milpiez (wrong spelling I´m sure). We had lunch with the local church there and then walked the streets passing out tracts and visiting with the local people. That night, we held our event in the plaza. We performed the puppet presentation, the drama, we did crafts, played games, and shared the Gospel with the towns people. A great night. We had one person give their life to Christ. Interesting story: While we were walking the streets, the local Priest came over the town loud speaker and said "avoid the foreigners and stay away from the plaza. They´re here to kidnap our children¨. Wow, talk about spiritual warfare! We had a decent turn out anyway. Long Day.

Today, we visited the market in Guadalajara and will leave in a few minutes to a social gathering at the ranch of one of the members of the church here in Tepatitlan. It´s a good day.

Again, all members of the team are well, with the exception of a couple of sore throats and a few upset stomachs. Overall, health is great. This team is fantastic the way they connect with the local people, love on them and work together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I´m privileged to be a part of this mission.

Please continue to pray for effective ministry, good health and safe travel. We miss you all and look forward to coming home on Wednesday.
